The editorial board for the Star-Ledger, the biggest paper in New Jersey, is advising its readers to choose the lesser of two evils and vote for Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ).
The board argues that Menendez, who was indicted on federal corruption charges which were ultimately dropped after a mistrial, is still preferable to Republican Bob Hugin due to his dedication to issues like immigration and health care. They also note that Menendez is an avid critic of President Donald Trump.
Hugin, on the other hand, comes with his own hefty bundle of corruption, as well as an adoration of Trump that they say tips him over the line.
“And when you get past ethics, the central issue in this race is Donald Trump,” the board writes. “The question is which candidate can best fight Trump’s toxic policies, his grotesque appeals to racial and ethnic tribalism, and his corrosive attacks on the pillars of our democracy, starting with the rule of law. That makes this an easy decision: Menendez is the better choice, by far. He has our endorsement.”
Hugin is the most smug deceitful - ethically bankrupt posturing weasel imaginable -
Hugin is good at saying anything it takes - he learned a lot about that as a part of a company that BROUGHT THALIDOMIDE back into availability. Yeah - THALIDOMIDE - the cause of thousands and thousand thousands of birth deformities.
Now to be fair - the very very specific indications for which this drug is now available - and the very tight controls and monitoring can be justified.
But Hugin has gone on an ego trip & taken the lessons in complex messaging and how to say the unspeakable and has perverted them to run a heinous and highly disingenuous & deceitful campaign.
Hugin’s ads have gotten down to pure GOP hateful rhetoric - lies/distortions and fear.
Happily voted early by mail, highly recommend it!
Now there’s an endorsement worthy of Bob Mendendez. He’s just lucky they didn’t say, “choke it down now, barf it up later”. I hope he wins but I’m not happy about it.
This is precisely what they should have said. Because in the next Democratic primary they should endorse Menendez’ challenger (let’s hope Hugin loses).
Anyone voting voting for Hugin should be required to sign a statement saying
“I realize that Bob Hugin will tell me absolute total LIES to get my vote - and in the future he will be voting for things that will grossly harm me, my community, my state and the nation - in order to benefit Bob Hugin … because ego-crazed Bob Hugin fantasizes that if he can gain a Senate seat, he might be able to leap into a subsequent run for the Presidency”