SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A Mormon bishop in Los Angeles is under fire for his assertion that Sen. Harry Reid is unworthy to enter the faith’s temples because of his support of Democratic Party positions.
Mark Paredes, in a Wednesday blog titled “Good Riddance to Harry Reid, the Mormon Senate Leader,” expressed his belief that Democrats’ support of same-sex marriage, abortion rights and gambling runs contrary to church stances.
He called Reid an “embarrassment” who isn’t “a man of serious religious faith.”
Church spokesman Dale Jones said Mormons are entitled to express their political opinions, but publishing their views while using a church title is “entirely inappropriate.”
Paredes didn’t respond to a request for comment.
Reid will lose his Senate majority leader position after Republicans took control of the U.S. Senate in Tuesday’s election.
Information from: The Salt Lake Tribune,
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Reid is anti-choice. I voted for him anyway last time because his opponent was anti-choice and much worse–wingnut coocoobird Sharron Angle.
Seriously? Harry can’t come into the secret clubhouse? What are these people like 12 years old?
Reid has a personal objection to abortion but has no intent on forcing that on others. His voting record is pro-choice.
From “on the issues”:
Please do not do this. It’s stuff like you posted that got us where we are. TPM is all about shaking the shit of an issue so you can see it naked and real. There is a reason for that…jump on board.
The embarrassment is the Republican party. And the Mormon Church has some very goofy beliefs, too.
Mormonism is an embarrassment. Scientology before there was Scientology (minus Zenu, hydrogen bombs and mitichlorians or whatever the eff they’re called). Of all the world’s dangerous fantasies, this one is the most insidiously stupid. And we should all expect more of this as Mormons get into positions of power, such as in Arizona. (And no, this is not a “They’re here! They’re here!” plaintive cry à la “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.”)
The fact that pious frauds of all these dangerous fantasies are fixated on homosexuals and fetuses but are damnably silent on character assassination, which rots any moral fiber faster than “fuming” over some guy taking it up the arse, just shows they’re all full of shit.