Arrest Warrant Issued For Former Korean Air Exec Who Caused ‘Nut Rage’ Incident

In this Sept. 3, 2014 photo, Cho Hyun-ah, Korean Air Lines' head of cabin service and the oldest child of Korean Air Chairman Cho Yang-ho, answers reporters' question during a news conference in Incheon, west of Seou... In this Sept. 3, 2014 photo, Cho Hyun-ah, Korean Air Lines' head of cabin service and the oldest child of Korean Air Chairman Cho Yang-ho, answers reporters' question during a news conference in Incheon, west of Seoul, South Korea. When South Koreans heard that the Korean Air executive delayed a flight because she was angry at being served macadamia nuts in a bag there was outrage but no surprise. For many it was only the latest example of the high and mighty behavior they’d come to expect from the families who make up Korea’s dynastic business elite and dominate the economy. (AP Photo/Yonhap) KOREA OUT MORE LESS
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SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — A South Korean court has approved the arrest of a former Korean Air Lines Co. executive who delayed a flight in what has widely been called “nut rage.”

Seoul Western District Court said it granted a warrant Tuesday to arrest Cho Hyun-ah, 40, citing concerns that she might destroy evidence or flee.

She resigned as vice president of Korean Air amid public anger that she forced a plane to return to its gate in New York on Dec. 5 to remove the chief flight attendant because she was angry that macadamia nuts were served in a bag, not on a plate. Witnesses said she assaulted and insulted cabin crew members.

The arrest comes as Korean Air faces government sanctions for allegedly trying to cover up the incident.

Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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