Professor Christine Blasey Ford, who has been on the receiving end of harassment ever since she publicly came forward with her sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh, continues to receive threats to this day.
According to a Thursday NPR report, her lawyers said that the threats have “continued,” despite the fact that Kavanaugh has “ascended to the Supreme Court.”
Blasey Ford said last month that the severity of the harassment has forced her to move four times and retain private security.
This makes me sick. While Kavanaugh is reveling in his power, without a care in the world about the safety of his family, and never having to worry about money or anything else. She will never have security or peace of mind again - ever. This is how the country repays a courageous person in 2018.
Yeah, whatever.
We all know that Kavanaugh is the true victim here.
Grassley, Graham, and all those other men told us so!
Bothsiderism requires that we also remember that “What happened to the Kavanaugh family violates every notion of fairness, decency and due process.” Dr. Ford receives death threats, has been forced to move four times and retain private security. Kavanaugh had to forgo the tradition of walking down the marble steps in front of the Supreme Court following his formal investiture ceremony, citing security reasons.
When in Trump World and you have been sexually assaulted by a male,there are no men left in the Repub Party,who has power you must learn their rights and you have none.
Trump could call this off but he likes you little women living in fear.
This is just so unfortunate. I am so sorry this is happening to her. I’m still super grateful for her courage to speak up in the face of overwhelming hatred.
Rachel was right, Dr. Ford KNEW this would happen and yet she had the courage to do it anyway. To honor her courage and sacrifice, and when it’s the right time, we need to impeach Kavanaugh.
Plain and simple. No excuses.