Barnes’ Source For Global Warming Denialism?

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Yesterday, we told you about how Fred Barnes has learned that global warming isn’t man made — but won’t tell us where he got this startling information.

But luckily, it looks like Dave Roberts of the environmental news site Grist knows the answer. Roberts writes:

Barnes gets his information on climate change the same place everyone in the right-wing media world gets it: from Marc Morano, the in-house blogger/agitator for Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.).

Apparently, Morano is the point man for the fringe movement of global warming deniers.

Morano’s entire job is to aggregate every misleading factoid, every attack on climate science or scientists, every crank skeptical statement from anyone in the world and send it all out periodically in email blasts that get echoed throughout the right-wing blog world and eventually find their way into places like Fox News and the Weekly Standard. From there they go, via columnists like George Will and Charles Krauthammer, into mainstream outlets like Newsweek and the Washington Post.

That’s where Barnes gets it. That’s where Glenn Beck gets it, and Lou Dobbs, and Will, and Krauthammer, and all the rest of them.

We’ve written about Morano — a former producer for the Rush Limbaugh show — before. In November 2006, he attended a UN conference on global warming on Inhofe’s behalf, prompting the senator to label the confab a “brain-washing session.”

Thank God we’ve found Barnes’ source! With any luck, Morano will be able to pass his findings on to policy-makers in time to make sure they don’t do anything to address global warming, since it turns out to be all a big mistake. That was close though!

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