Rick Santorum Caught Watching Football On The Sly During Gingrich Speech (VIDEO)

Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum (R-PA)
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If you’re on the campaign trail for any length of time — or even if you follow it relatively closely from afar — you start to hear the same speeches over and over. And over. And over.

Needless to say, it can get a little boring. Sometimes you’d rather just stop blogging and turn on some football. The same is apparently true of presidential candidates.

Here’s video of Rick Santorum trying to sneak in a football game while Newt Gingrich gives a speech at Saturday night’s Faith And Freedom Coalition (formerly known as the Christian Coalition) event in Iowa captured by National Journal:

Apparently, Santorum was not too interested in Gingrich’s speech. Those gathered to hear it are the exact kind of voters Santorum hopes to woo, so we bet he hoped the WiFi went down when it was time for him to give his speech. Or at least that the audience didn’t notice and feel disrespected.

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