Herman Cain’s Chief Of Staff Declares The Harassment Story ‘Done’

Republican Presidential Candidate Herman Cain
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The sexual harassment story is over, according to the Herman Cain campaign.

Speaking on a panel of Republican presidential campaign advisers sponsored by the National Journal Tuesday, Cain’s Chief of Staff, Mark Block, said the story that consumed his boss’ DC visit yesterday is over and done with.

“Done. Move on,” Block said. “Let’s talk about what the American people want to hear about, and that’s jobs, jobs jobs.”

Indeed, Block told the crowd that if anything the story had actually helped the campaign, saying that they raised $250 thousand in online funds on Monday alone.

The media, however, does not seem entirely ready to let the campaign just take the money and move on. Major papers are out with more details and confirmations of Sunday’s Politico story and Cain’s media appearances so far on the topic have raised more questions than answers.

That said, the impact on Cain’s supporters has yet to be determined. Conservative pundits are already declaring Cain the new Clarence Thomas, and there’s anecdotal evidence that the all-important primary electorate is unfazed so far.

Block told the panel today that Cain’s campaign won’t be doing much more talking, preferring to move on from the story.

“My statement would be that Mr. Cain has never sexually harassed anybody, period. End of story,” He said.

As the hours go by, it’s interesting that we hear from a radio talk show host in Iowa that the receptionist thought Mr. Cain’s comments were inappropriate. If we have to spend every hour, every day, responding to these ridiculous accusations, it will take us off our message and our campaign. So my statement will stand: Mr. Cain has never sexually harassed anyone, period, end of story.

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