George Allen Rejects ‘Ponzi Scheme’ Label For Social Security

Former Sen. George Allen (R-VA)
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George Allen, who is running to reclaim his old Senate seat for the GOP in Virginia, is distancing himself from Rick Perry’s rhetoric on Social Security.

Virginia Democrats recently went up with a video linking Allen to Perry, who is visiting the state, and highlighting Perry’s quotes from a recent debate that the program is a “monstrous lie” and “Ponzi scheme.” The ad also highlighted Allen’s past support for President Bush’s plan to privatize the program in 2005.

In response, the Allen campaign quickly made clear that Perry is on his own when it comes to the “Ponzi scheme” talk.

“George Allen doesn’t characterize Social Security that way,” a spokesman said. “George Allen believes that we need to work together to protect it for seniors and those nearing retirement and preserve it for future generations. Social Security is funded by working people and employers and the federal government should keep its promises to retirees. The American people expect leaders to address problems and challenges like these, not just use them for political fodder or the next fundraising effort.”

Allen is a rock solid conservative, so it’s interesting that his campaign is clearly uncomfortable being associated with Perry’s gambit on the issue. As the latest polling on Perry indicates, there’s ample reason for Republicans to be nervous. It’s worth keeping an eye on how many prominent Republicans get Perry’s back on this one.

Update: Democratic candidate and former governor Tim Kaine’s campaign clearly isn’t happy about Allen’s rhetorical tack. “George Allen’s Social Security two-step is just the latest example of Allen telling voters one thing when his record reflects the complete opposite,” spokeswoman Brandi Hoffine said in a statement. “Allen himself said the best measure of what a candidate will do in the future is what he’s done in the past. So, if Virginians are wondering how George Allen really feels about Social Security reform, his action — voting to divert social security funds into private accounts — speaks louder than his empty words.”

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