Calls To Nix Food Regulations Disappear From Trump’s Economic Platform

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A “fact sheet” on Donald Trump’s economic platform that called for the deregulation of the food industry is now absent from the campaign’s website. A version of the fact sheet the campaign sent out Thursday morning said that under a President Trump, the “The FDA Food Police” would be eliminated, while a revised version sent out Thursday afternoon did not include that section.

The Thursday morning version of platform called for the elimination of rules that “govern the soil farmers use, farm and food production hygiene, food packaging, food temperatures, and even what animals may roam which fields and when.”

The campaign sent out the fact sheet again, a few hours later. But in the new version, the FDA language was no where to be found. The sections about what environmental regulations Trump would roll back were also reworked in the more recent version.

The Trump campaign has not responded to TPM’s inquiry as to whether Trump stood by his original proposal to deregulate the food industry.

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  1. Disappointed to see the sovereign citizens who occupied Malheur not recognized even in the revision: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep sick, starving cattle on our land and enjoy french vanilla creamer, shall not be infringed.

  2. Avatar for pshah pshah says:

    When you get most of your meals from McDonalds and Taco Bell, deregulation is the last thing you want.

    Too much “pink slime” turns your face red and your hair orange.

  3. “add trillions in new wealth…”?

    Best sci-fi writing since “Dianetics.”

  4. He’s a flippin’ and a floppin’.

  5. A restaurant like Chipotle really would have benefited from such lack of regulation…

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