16.4 Million Gain Health Insurance Under Obamacare, Government Says

President Barack Obama speaks at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Tuesday, March 10, 2015, about his plan to clamp down on the private companies that service federal student debt. More than 40 million Americans are in debt t... President Barack Obama speaks at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Tuesday, March 10, 2015, about his plan to clamp down on the private companies that service federal student debt. More than 40 million Americans are in debt thanks to their education, and most of their loans come from Uncle Sam. So President Barack Obama is aiming to clamp down on the private companies that service federal student debt with a presidential memorandum he signed Tuesday. (AP Photo/David Goldman) MORE LESS
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WASHINGTON — A whopping 16.4 million people have gained health insurance coverage since Obamacare passed, according to a new government report released Monday.

The breakdown: 14.1 million adults insured since Obamacare’s first open-enrollment period which began in October 2013, and 2.3 million young adults aged 19-25 covered on a parent’s plan since the policy took effect in 2010.

The two-page report by the Department of Health and Human Services provides fresh evidence that the still-unpopular law has sharply reversed the trend of Americans losing their coverage. The uninsured rate fell from 20.3 percent to 13.2 percent as of March 4, 2015, a drop of 35 percent.

The reduction in uninsured is steeper among blacks (9.2 percentage points) and Hispanics (12.3 percentage points) than among whites (5.3 percentage points).

The chart above was included in the HHS report.

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Notable Replies

  1. Skewed SKEWED…the books are being cooked something something all lies because something!!!

    GOP/Teatroll maff:

  2. B-b-b-but, how many have paid their first premium? And besides, this is all just a distraction from Benghazi.

  3. The reduction in uninsured is steeper among blacks (9.2 percentage points) and Hispanics (12.3 percentage points) than among whites (5.3 percentage points).

    Exactly why the throffing at the mouth Republican base hate it so much. Blah and brown people are benefiting from it. More than “hard working” (White) Americans.

  4. Well, clearly it’s a racist law if it’s having such a disparate impact…

    I couldn’t even type that with a straight face lol

  5. The only thing unpopular about the law is that it isn’t single payer.

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