Bachmann And Grayson Debate Health Care, Corruption, And ‘Weapons Of Mass Distraction’ (VIDEO)

Reps. Alan Grayson (D-FL) and Michele Bachmann (R-MN)
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Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) appeared last night on Larry King Live, with the two eminently quotable legislators debating health care policy. Bachmann used the opportunity to call for an investigation of the Obama administration.

“I think that we can come together. But I think a big question that has to be addressed right now, Larry, is, what in the world is going on in the White House?” said Bachmann. “Because today, the president offered a judgeship to the brother of a member of Congress. Tonight, the president has that same member of Congress at the White House, pressuring him to change his vote on health care.” She then called for an investigation.

Grayson responded: “Well, my esteemed colleague from Minnesota has just deployed another weapon of mass distraction that the Republicans use from time to time to try to change the subject away from health care.”

Sadly, the joint appearance by these two famous members of Congress — possibly their first debate between one another — did not live up to expectations. There were no grand declarations about death panels or revolution against socialists on the one hand, nor denunciations of knuckle-dragging neanderthals who want people to die quickly on the other hand.

Bachmann seized upon a story from the Weekly Standard, “Obama Now Selling Judgeships for Health Care Votes?” which accused the administration of impropriety in nominating former U.S. Attorney Scott Matheson, Jr. for a judgeship while his brother, Rep. Jim Matheson (D-UT), is undecided on the health care bill. In addition to being a former U.S. Attorney under Bill Clinton, Scott Matheson, Jr. has served as dean of the University of Utah’s law school, and as state Mine Safety Commission Chairman. He was appointed to the latter position by Republican Gov. Jon Huntsman (now Obama’s Ambassador to China), a few years after Matheson had been the Democratic nominee for governor against Huntsman himself.

“So, Scott Matheson appears to have the credentials to be a judge,” the Standard wrote, “but was his nomination used to buy off his brother’s vote?”

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