Vilified Pharma CEO Arrested, Marshall On Sanders’ Chances, and Cruz Takes Heat For 2013 Immigration Comments

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December 17, 2015

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Does Delaying The Cadillac Tax Spell The Beginning Of Its Demise?

The Gist: Obamacare’s cost controls were put on life support this week thanks to a provision of a huge tax package deal passed by Congress on Tuesday. 

Vilified Pharma CEO Martin Shkreli Arrested On Securities Fraud

The Gist: The pharmaceutical executive reviled for raising the price of an HIV-treating drug by 5,000 percent was arrested on suspicion of securities fraud related to his previous hedge fund.

Fox Host Challenges Cruz On His 2013 Comments On Immigration

The Gist: Bret Baier confronted a stammering Cruz about comments he made about the 2013 immigration reform bill in which he seemed to support a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

From The Reporter’s Notebook

As TPM’s Tierney Sneed reported, the delay of the Cadillac Tax, which is included in a tax package Congress is set to pass, could have major implications when it comes to curbing health care spending. It was not just Republicans pushing for the two-year moratorium. Democrats were feeling pressure from labor unions, whose plans were particularly hard hit by the tax.

Agree or Disagree?

In a private chat with TPM Prime members, Josh Marshall answered questions about the 2016 race. On Bernie Sanders’ chances: “If he was going to do it he’d be picking up speed now. But it’s actually Hillary who has been increasing her lead. That’s shown up in the public polls and it’s also shown up in our Insight polls, which are primarily of TPM readers. So I would say his chances of winning the nomination seem remote. But I think there are other things he’s accomplishing short of the getting nominated.”

Say What?!

“I think what everyone is overlooking though is Trump has brought this to the forefront. Maybe it was crude, maybe a lot of us don’t agree with that position, but what he has done is everyone’s talking about it.”

– The Daily Show held a focus group of Trump supporters to see why anyone would vote for him. One participant said this was why he supported Trump despite his comments about a database for Muslims and Jews. 

BUZZING: Today in the Hive

From a TPM Prime member: “Re: Josh’s editorial, i really think it will come down to these two “outsiders”. Jeb was never going to fly, because deep-down the base doesn’t trust or like the Bush family. And it’s not just that Rubio took on immigration, it’s that he actually dared to govern in cooperation with Democrats. The core of the GOP needs to have an election where their “pure” candidate is in the race and race feels like the one where it’s going to happen. So it’s Trump or Cruz. Both are hateful, but Cruz is more disciplined, and he’ll have the Evangelicals for caucus and primary support. So the keys to the clown car go to Ted. Which will be a disaster for the GOP. At least it better be, when you consider the alternative”

Related: Josh Marshall thinks the nominee could very well be Trump.

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What We’re Reading

An 18-year old said she was attacked at knifepoint. Then she said she made it up. (ProPublica)

A guide to what happens when the Fed raises interest rates, illustrated by a Rube Goldberg machine. (The New York Times)


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