From the TPM Archives: Talking Points Memo

And Gingrich Takes the Lead

By Josh Marshall|January 19, 2012

We've had a small avalanche of new polls come out of South Carolina this morning. The very latest is one from PPP. They're doing what I understand is a two night poll. Last night was the first night and they've released that data as what amounts to a stand-alone poll, albeit with a pretty small sample size. This poll from just last night has Gingrich ahead of Romney by 6 points. This is one of four polls that were completed only last night -- three of four of which have Gingrich in the lead.

The TPM Poll Average for South Carolina is now Gingrich 32%, Romney 31.5%, Paul 14.6%, Santorum 11.5%.

In truth, Gingrich's momentum looks so overwhelming the only thing that could stop him would be a last minute tell-all interview from an ex-wife saying he wanted to have an open marriage.

(ed.note: TPM's Poll trend charts update automatically with each new poll added. The average in the text of this post is correct as of 12:16 PM. When new polls are added the average in the chart will change.)