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The Ultimate Sarah Palin Video Guide...
All About Sarah

By Lila Shapiro|October 01, 2008

When Josh asked me to make a Sarah Palin florilegium, I didn't blink. Did I know what the word meant? No. But I knew I was ready, and willing, and more-or-less able. And my eyeballs hurt like hell. Because who is Sarah Palin? We need to know, and are ready to know, even if we, like her, are completely disoriented about almost everything else.

Governor. Maverick. Hockey Mom. Beauty Queen. Up and Comer. Hunter. Alaskan Outsider. Thanks-but-no-thanks-but-thanks-but-I-thanks-just-thanks-er. YouTube Goddess. (If you were wondering, according to Merriam Webster, a Florilegium is a kind of anthology: "a volume or collection of brief extracts or writings" taken from the Latin: "florilegus culling flowers, from flori- + legere to gather" )

Now, those of you following know that TPMtv's Ben Craw just cut together a reel of Palin perfection. But, on the morning of her debating debut, we just can't stop. Why not? Well, in Sarah's words, "They're our next door neighbors.. and you can actually see Russia from here in Alaska."

Below you'll find a digital anthology of Sarah's golden YouTube moments-- a nuanced look at the woman, her ways and wiles, her frowns and smiles... her glasses. Welcome, friends.

You can't blink, Charlie, you can't blink.

Okay, I didn't quite say "Thanks, but no thanks"...

TPMmuckracker's Reporting On Bridge to Nowhere

Which Bush Doctrine do you mean, Charlie?

Remember, Sean, Trooper-Gate target was a really mean guy

Meet Mike Wooten pt. 1, 2 TPMmuckracker's Reporting On Trooper-Gate

"I killed the Bridge to Nowhere."

TPMmuckracker's Reporting On Bridge to Nowhere

Sarah on energy: "Crush that gridlock!"

TPMmuckracker's Reporting On Drilling

Sarah to Putin: We're close, and we're watching!

Sarah to Israel: "It is obvious to me who the good guys are in this one, and who the bad guys are." (Hint: Israel is the good guy).

McCain and Palin: We're anything but boring!

John and Sarah: Fred and Ginger They Ain't

"But ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up our economy."

Couric: Can you give me a single example of McCain, the regulator? Palin: "I'll try to find you some and I'll bring 'em to you."

Roe v. Wade is the only court case for me!

Let's Not Arrest Girls Who Get Abortions

What news sources do I read, Katie? All of them! Any of them!

Sarah on health and beauty: Sweat is my Sanity

TPMmuckracker's Reporting On Palin's Tanning Bed

"If you want specifics with specific policy or countries, go ahead and you can ask me, you can even play stump the candidate, if you want to!"

What Sarah Thinks Is Funny

Reporter: Do you support the reelection bids of Ted Stevens? Palin: "Stevens' trial started a few days ago, we'll see where that goes."

TPMmuckracker's Reporting On Ted Stevens

I said thanks but no thanks on that bridge

Thanks, please, I love the bridge! (circa 2006)

TPMmuckracker's Reporting On Bridge to Nowhere

The First Dude Abides

TPMmuckracker's Reporting On Todd Palin

... And Pigs Fly

Sunday Show Roundup: The Palin Factor

Sunday Show Roundup: Better Vetting Late Than Never

Bridge of Lies

TPMmuckracker's Reporting On Bridge to Nowhere

Ode to Sarah