O’Reilly Incensed By Rainbow White House Display After Gay Marriage Ruling

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Fox News host Bill O’Reilly was taken aback by the Obama administration’s decision to light the White House in rainbow colors after the Supreme Court ruled that same-sex couples have the right to marry.

“I was a bit surprised to see the White House doing a victory lap using actual White House property on Friday,” O’Reilly said on Monday night. “The people’s house was illuminated in rainbow colors to celebrate the gay marriage decision. What about all the Americans who believe that a redefinition of marriage is not the job of the Supreme Court?”

O’Reilly said President Obama “did an ‘in your face’ to traditional Americans” with the White House display.

The Fox host also blasted comedian Stephen Colbert for mocking Justice Antonin Scalia’s dissent in the gay marriage ruling. O’Reilly said Colbert “might want to think about alienating traditional Americans to the extent he has — it could be very bad for business.”

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Notable Replies

  1. Avatar for pine pine says:

    Shtick is wearing thin along with the false outrage,Bill.

  2. When I saw the rainbow colored White House, I got a great deal of satisfaction in imagining the widespread heartburn the image would produce among bigots. But it’s really nice to have a face of a specific bigot to attach that heartburn to.

    Thanks, Bill!

  3. Fuck It! Fuck It ! We’ll do it live!
    Have a Nice Day Bill

    I love the sound of Republican heads exploding in the morning

  4. Well Bill, the Almighty made rainbows as well as homosexuals. You might want to consider not offending Him, it might be bad for your afterlife.

  5. The rainbow goes up, the rainbow comes down: you can’t explain that!

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