From the TPM Archives: Talking Points Memo

Round Two Debate Blogging #1

By Josh Marshall|October 07, 2008

9:00 PM ... Wondering if McCain's gotten any eye contact lessons since the other debate.

9:05 PM ... Nice townhall meeting crack!

9:08 PM ... I'm really curious to hear how this buyout would work.

9:09 PM ... We're told this audience was selected to be a cross-section of the local community. But is it not obvious that it's weighted to bald men?

9:16 PM ... Brokaw: Mr. Obama, are really saying that the economy is about to explode and we're all going to lose our homes and die? Hmmm. Seems he phrased the question a bit differently for McCain.

9:18 PM ... Sir, In my hand I am holding a letter, and Sen. Obama's name is not on it.

9:21 PM ... Can't we have the angry McCain?

9:22 PM ... McCain: Just go look at the ratings of some right-wing groups. They don't like Obama at all.

9:25 PM ... Think we're having some coherence problems in this answer.

9:27 PM ... (If I weren't worried about having clever things to say, I'd say that both are doing decently. But McCain sounds kind of old and a little incoherent. And Obama's answers are more clear and organized. Also doing better at connecting answers to families. Also Brokaw's a bit of a whiner, no?)