Brian Sandoval, the Republican nominee for governor in Nevada, is coming under fire for reportedly saying in an interview with Univision that he’s not worried about his own children being asked for their papers in neighboring Arizona — because his children don’t look Hispanic. Sandoval has not acknowledged making the statement, but he has apologized just in case he did.
The gaffe was first announced by Adriana Arévalo, the news director for Univision Nevada, in a scathing column in the Spanish-language newspaper El Tiempo. If elected, Sandoval would be Nevada’s first Hispanic governor. He currently has a lead of 53.4%-36.9% over Democratic nominee Rory Reid in the TPM Poll Average.
Univision has declined to release a full tape of the interview, on the grounds that it is their own work product.
In an interview on Wednesday with Jon Ralston, Sandoval denied making the statement:
Ralston: You’re quoted as being unconcerned with your children being asked for papers in Arizona because you said, ‘My children are not seen as Spanish.’ That’s what it says.
Sandoval: Ah…ah…
Ralston: That’s not what you said?
Sandoval: No.
Ralston: That’s the translation. We checked with the author of the article, too.
Sandoval: I’ve never heard that quote before and I’ve never described my children as looking Hispanic or not Hispanic. So I don’t agree with that translation whatsoever.
Then on Thursday, Ralston confirmed through sources that the tape exists, but that Univision is not airing it: “My guess is that station folks also are apoplectic that a news director would consider it appropriate to write a harsh column about a gubernatorial hopeful – they are saying she did it in her capacity as an El Tempo columnist but she can’t just wash away her TV title.”
Sandoval then put out a statement: “I don’t remember saying it and it is most certainly not how I feel. If I did say those words, it was wrong and I sincerely regret it. I am proud of my heritage and my family.”
Meanwhile, the Nevada Dems have pounced with their own statement:
So now Sandoval is calling both Arevalo and Ralston liars?
If Sandoval maintains that he never made these shocking comments, he should give Univision the green light to release a tape of the interview, proving he never made such an insensitive remark.
“This is about more than just Brian Sandoval lying to Nevada voters,” said Phoebe Sweet, communications director for the Nevada State Democratic Party. “It’s also about his callous disregard for anyone but himself. Brian’s disregard for the voters of Nevada – and the fact that he lied about it – is troubling.”