Interior Secretary Wants ‘No Climate Change Deniers’ In Her Department

Interior Secretary nominee Sally Jewell is sworn-in on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, March 7, 2013, prior to testifying before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing on her nomination.
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Interior Secretary Sally Jewell addressed her employees Thursday on the “moral imperative” to address climate change, reminding them they are able to “actually do something about it,” E&E News reported.

“I hope there are no climate change deniers in the Department of Interior,” she said.

If any climate change deniers did work in the department, Jewell continued, they should visit the federally managed lands where the changing climate is visible. She listed the melting permafrost in Alaska and the shrinking snowpacks in the Sierra Mountains as examples, according to E&E.

Jewell also gave a “shout-out” to Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Michael Connor, who was nominated by Obama for the deputy secretary of Interior post, E&E reported.

“I couldn’t be happier President Obama nominated Mike for this role,” she said. “We will complement each other’s skills.”

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